Avengers Costumes Made Easy

The Avengers is the blockbuster movie of the summer, and soon to be the sought after costume choice for the masquerade season and Halloween. With seven main characters all with their own unique flair, there is an Avengers costume for just about everyone.

Captain America: Arguably the most well known of the Avengers, Captain America is a long standing American icon. The costume is most known for the star spangled theme to it, with a star on the chest over blue, and the large ‘A’ on the mask for America. The most important piece of this costume is easily the shield. It is not a difficult piece, as anyone with a little ingenuity can make and paint one of their own. Fans can even do the 1940s version of the costume by including a brown leather jacket and helmet.

Iron Man: When it comes to home made costumes, Iron Man is the most difficult. From the light up piece in the chest to the individual pieces of hot rod red and gold, there is a lot of work to be done. However, it is a popular costume that is available through costume shops, which will offer both the jumpsuit itself and the plastic helmet to go with the suit.

Black Widow: The Black Widow costume epitomizes the sexy super spy. A form fitting black body suit makes up the majority of the costume, making it the easiest Avengers costume to assemble at home. The most important accessory is a set of gold ‘bracelets’ that are made up of bullets that are wrapped around the Black Widow’s wrists.

The Hulk: If the Black Widow costume is not the simplest Avengers costume to make at home, then it is The Hulk. All a good Hulk costume takes is a pair of purple shorts that have been cut to look tattered along the edges, and green body paint. If you feel like the type of person who needs a little extra muscle, a professionally made costume from a costume shop will have ‘built in’ muscles on their Hulk costumes, where fabric is used instead of body paint.

Hawkeye: The trained assassin and archer has a very straight forward costume. With a sleeveless black shirt with a red ‘v’ and a matching pair of black pants, this is an easy costume to make at home. The most difficult piece to this costume would be finding and painting a toy bow and quiver to go along with it. Throw in a pair of red tinted sunglasses, and you have a complete Hawkeye costume.

Thor: The comic book adaptation is one of the more difficult Avengers costumes. With flowing blond locks and a suit of Norse armor, Thor is not an easy to create home costume. The costume calls for a winged helmet for the God of Thunder, as well as the blue undershirt, armor plating on top of it, and dark blue pants. Most people will have to include a blond wig to match Thor’s long hair. The most important piece of a Thor costume is the hammer, which is what the God is known for. But most costume stores and warehouses will have a mass produced version of Thor’s armor for sale.

Nick Fury: The leader of SHIELD and the main secret agent in the Avengers, this is going to be a very popular costume that is not all that difficult to make at home. An eyepatch and a long leather duster with a black t-shirt and black cargo pants beneath makes this an easily home made Avengers costume for fans of the movie.